Availability of Environmental and Social Information
Category A Approved Transactions | Category B Approved Transactions | Make More in America Initiative - Approved Transactions
In order to foster transparency and elicit useful information concerning the environmental and social impacts of projects, EXIM makes available certain environmental and social information provided by the borrower on projects that are currently under consideration for financing. Interested parties may request a copy of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) (or other publicly disclosable supplemental environmental reports) for a specific transaction, or provide pertinent information to EXIM on environmental and social issues related to a project, through the Bank's Environmental and Social Project Information and Concerns page. In addition, EXIM maintains a Public Registry of received complaints and concerns.
All pending projects required by EXIM to produce environmental and social information are listed below.
Environmental and social project information is not always immediately available; please view the " How a Deal Gets Done" diagram to learn more about the EXIM Bank transaction review process.
Projects classified by EXIM as Environmental Category A transactions require an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), which must be made available to the public for at least 30 days prior to EXIM consideration for final approval.
EXIM has received applications for the following Environmental Category A projects.
To receive more information regarding projects on this list, please visit here.
Project | Location | Reference | Further NEPA action required?1 | Estimated Annual CO2 Production of Project (tonnes/yr) | Project Posting Date | Date ESIA Available |
Reko Diq Gold-Copper Mine Project | Chagai District, Balochistan Province, Pakistan | AP099993XX | Pending | TBD | 03/19/2025 | Not yet available. |
Numay LNG Project | San Andres, Peru | AP766295XX | Pending | TBD | 11/20/2024 | Not yet publicly available |
Mexico Pacific LNG Project | Puerto Libertad, Sonora, Mexcio | AP769368XX | Pending | TBD | 11/20/2024 | Not yet publicly available |
NioCorp Elk Creek Niobium/Rare Earth Elements Mine (MMIA) | Near Elk Creek, NE, USA | AP756637XX | Pending | TBD | 11/8/2023 | Not yet publicly available. |
Papua Liquefied Natural Gas Project | Gulf and Central Provinces, Papua New Guinea | AP089509XX | Pending | TBD | 6/9/2023 | Not yet publicly available. |
Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 Refurbishment Project | Cernavoda, Romania | AP089451XX | --- | TBD | 10/20/2022 | Not yet publicly available |
Red Sea National Petrochemicals | Suez, Egypt | AP089455XX | Pending | TBD | 3/9/2022 | Not yet publicly available |
Kovvada 6,660MW Nuclear Power Plant | Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India | AP636363XX | --- | Not Applicable | 8/25/2016 | Not yet publicly available |
1 Based on EXIM Bank's review of the proposed transaction, EXIM has concluded:
(a) No major Federal action.
(b) Categorical exclusion applies.
Environmental Category B projects require sufficient documentation to determine that they are consistent with relevant host-country and applicable international environmental and social guidelines.
EXIM has received applications for the following Environmental Category B projects.
To receive more information regarding projects on this list, please visit here.
Project | Location | Reference | Further NEPA action required?1 | Estimated Annual CO2 Production of Project (tonnes/yr) | Project Posting Date | ESIA or other available Environmental Information |
National Data Center | VITIB Technology Park near Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire | AP099669XX | --- | Not Applicable | 11/20/2024 | Not yet publicly available |
Firefly Aerospace Project (MMIA) | Briggs, Texas and Muscle Shoal, Alabama | AP099181XX | Pending | TBD | 11/20/2024 | Not yet publicly available |
Bahamas Utilities (FOCOL) Aeroderivative Gas Power Plant Project | Nassau, Bahamas | AP099300XX | No – See footnote 1.a. | 414,652 | 10/15/2024 | Not yet publicly available |
SungEel Battery Recycling Plant Project (MMIA) | Whitestown, Indiana | AP089539XX | Yes | Not Applicable | 06/26/2024 | Not yet publicly available |
Spedla Green Hydrogen Project | Esbjerg, Denmark | AP089534XX | --- | Not Applicable | 05/15/2024 | Not yet publicly available |
TexTube Steel Pipe Manufacturing Plant Project (MMIA) | Waller, Waller County, Texas | AP089475XX | --- | Not Applicable | 10/14/2022 | Not yet publicly available |
Essential Green Biorefinery Project | Canelones Municipality, Uruguay | AP089428XX | Pending | 27,000 | 3/9/2020 | Not yet publicly available |
1 Based on EXIM Bank's review of the proposed transaction, EXIM has concluded:
(a) No major Federal action.
(b) Categorical exclusion applies.