Category B projects are typically expansions, upgrades and projects having limited environmental impact. In accordance with the EXIM Bank Environmental and Social Due Diligence Procedures and Guidelines, Environmental Category B projects require sufficient documentation to determine that they are consistent with relevant host-country and applicable international environmental and social guidelines including the IFC Performance Standards and applicable Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines.

The below list reflects active Category B transactions.

Interested parties may request a copy of publicly disclosable environmental and social documents for a transaction, or provide pertinent information to EXIM on environmental and social issues related to a project, through the Bank's Environmental and Social Project Information and Concerns page.  EXIM maintains a Public Registry of received complaints and concerns.

Go to year 2024 :: 2023 :: 2022 :: 2020 :: 2015 :: 2014 :: 2013 :: 2012 :: 2011 :: 2010 :: 2008 :: 2007




Authorization Date

2024  back to top
AEME Oil/Gas Separation upgrade and flare gas reduction Project at the Pemex PEP Jujo Separation PlantHuimanguillo Municipality, Tabasco, MexicoMT #7652185/28/2024
SunAfrica Photovoltaic Solar Power Mini-Grids and Water Supply ProjectCuando Cubango, Cunene, Huila and Namibe Provinces, AngolaAP089472XX7/18/2024
Kirkuk Enhanced Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation ProjectTaza, IraqAP089523XX9/19/2024
Modular Steel Bridge ConstructionVarious locations, AngolaAP755224XX9/8/2023
2023  back to top
Liwathon Terminal Bulk Oil Storage Repair ProjectSouth Riding Point, Grand Bahama Island, the BahamasAP089483XX10/12/2023 
SunAfrica 400 MW and 104MW Photovoltaic Solar Power ProjectLaĂșca, Malanje Province and Catete, Luanda Province, AngolaAP089473XX6/1/2023 

ESIA and other E&S information available HERE (in English)
Cocomex Energy Efficiency Improvement and flare gas capture Project of the PEP Tecominoacan Gas Separation BatteryNear Tecom Near Tecominoacan, Huimanguillo Municipality, Tabasco, Mexico MT7527092/24/2023
2022  back to top
Ardagh Aluminum Can Manufacturing Plant ProjectNear Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, BrazilMT748722, MT750126, MT75028912/08/2022
Olanchito 53MW Solar PV Power ProjectNear Olanchito, San Jose, HondurasAP089465XX09/22/2022
FEICOM Regional Equipment Depots ProjectFive locations in Cameroon (Koutaba, Mandjou, Maroua, Mfou, Tiko)AP089242XX6/30/2022
2020  back to top
Senegal National Electricity Agency rural electrification & distribution line extension projectSenegalAP700317XX3/30/2020
Oil and Gas Well Development Service ActivitiesArgentinaMT7058382/20/2020
2019 (no category B projects approved)
2018 (no category B projects approved)
2017 (no category B projects approved)
2016 (no category B projects approved)
2015  back to top
PEMEX Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Project (PEP)MexicoAP088970XX6/25/2015
Modular Steel Bridge ConstructionZambiaAP088268XX5/28/2015
2014  back to top
Cameroon Immediate Water Supply ProjectCameroonAP088021XX11/13/2014
Cameroon Modular Steel Bridges ProjectCameroonAP088240XX10/9/2014
PEMEX Oil & Gas Exploration & ProductionMexicoAP088773XX9/29/2014
Talas De Maciel 150mw Wind Farm ProjectUruguayAP087794XX5/15/2014
2013  back to top
Ghana Ridge Hospital Rehabilitation & ExpansionGhanaAP087225XX1/10/2013
2012  back to top
Palmatir Wind ProjectUruguayAP086967XX12/13/2012
Badulla, Haliela And Ella Water ProjectSri LankaAP086903XX7/12/2012
RSTEPL 125MW Concentrated Solar Power ProjectIndiaAP086436XX4/5/2012
2011  back to top
Dahanu 40 MW Photovoltaic Thin Film Power PlantIndiaAP086226XX8/25/2011
2010  back to top
Bosen 120 MW Gas-fired Combined Cycle Power Plant ExpansionTurkeyAP085082XX9/1/2010
2008  back to top
Mampong Water Supply Rehabilitation and ExpansionGhanaAP083137XX12/12/2008
Ugur Enerji 48MW Cogeneration Power PlantTurkeyAP083849XX9/11/2008
2007  back to top