EXIM MWOB | Export Readiness Express - Tips & Strategies
There are limited amount of tickets available. Please be mindful if you are signing up to attend.
Please join the Division of Minority and Women Owned Business at the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), for a conversation on exporting and how to get approved for an EXIM's policy. If you are a startup-up, or an established business, don’t miss this opportunity to learn about resources and programs that are available to help U.S. Businesses to export. Bring your questions so they can be answered during the event.
EXIM has a dedicated group of specialists who work with minority, women, veteran and disable-owned businesses (MWOBs) to help them access EXIM financing. The MWOB group seeks to engage minority- and women-owned businesses that are interested in exporting their goods and services, educate them regarding the availability of EXIM financing, and increase the total amount of financing to support exports from these businesses.
These series of express events will focus on one specific topic! Examples include:
Introduction to Export-Import Bank of the U.S. (EXIM)
What is Export Credit Insurance (ECI) and Working Capital Guarantee Program (WCGP)
What you need to understand before you start exporting goods and service
Tools and resources available to help start your exporting journey
Current economic outlook for regions around the world
Who can attend?
Anyone can attend. Our series of meetings are open to any businesses from pre-start up and start-up businesses or of minority status such as women-owned, veterans-owned, Asian-American, African-American, Hispanic, Native Americans, and other various backgrounds.