MEDIA ADVISORY: Secretary Moniz to Lead Delegation to U.S.-Africa Energy Ministerial

This media advisory was issued by U.S. Department of Energy
Media Contact Name/Phone
Ex-Im Bank Communications (202) 565-3200

WASHINGTON, DC -Secretary Ernest Moniz will join Northern and sub-Saharan African energy ministers for the U.S.-Africa Energy Ministerial on June 3-4. Co-hosted by the Government of Ethiopia, the Ministerial will bring together representatives from government, private sector, and academic communities to discuss best practices and technologies for sustainable energy development in Africa.

Other high-level U.S. officials participating in the Ministerial include Patricia Haslach, U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia; Dr. Rajiv Shah, Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development; Fred Hochberg, Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.; Gayle Smith, Special Assistant to the President and National Security Council Senior Director; Andrew M. Herscowitz, President Obama's Coordinator for Power Africa and Trade Africa; Leocadia Zak, Director of the U.S. Trade and Development Agency; and Elizabeth Littlefield, President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

The Ministerial will explore strategies across the United States and Africa for accelerating the development of clean energy sources and the adoption of energy efficient technologies. It will also review best practices in oil and gas resource development, policy and regulatory issues, investment opportunities, and financing.

Building on President Obama's trip to Africa in June 2013, the Ministerial will also highlight progress on the Administration's Power Africa initiative. Power Africa aims to increase access to power in sub-Saharan Africa - where more than two-thirds of the population is without electricity - building on the continent's significant power potential across energy sectors. It will help countries develop newly-discovered resources responsibly, build out power generation and transmission, and expand the reach of mini-grid and off-grid solutions.

Open press events schedule:

All times are local.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

8:45 a.m. Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session

Secretary Moniz will speak during the opening remarks

African Union Conference Center

Wednesday, June 4, 2013

4:00 p.m. Closing Plenary

Secretary Moniz will speak during the closing session

African Union Conference Center

*NOTE: All journalists wishing to attend the U.S.-Africa Energy Ministerial must register for accreditation with Ethiopia. Information about registration and accreditation can be found HERE. Please also email Katherine Diop at the U.S. Embassy at It is strongly recommended that interested journalists register no later than Friday, May 30.

Additional information on the U.S.-Africa Energy Ministerial, including the full agenda and list of speakers, can be found HERE.