In an effort to raise awareness of the export financing opportunities available to Alaska businesses, Dan Renberg, a member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), will visit Anchorage, Alaska from July 5-7, 2000 at the request of U.S. Senator Ted Stevens. Renberg will reach out to Alaskan businesses interested in exporting or looking to increase their export sales to emerging and other markets. Renberg will meet with the state and local government officials, CEOs of Alaska Regional Native Corporations, Alaska Export Assistance Center, the At-Sea Processors Association, Northern Forum, and Alaskan banks which handle trade finance.
On Friday, July 8 at noon, Renberg will give a keynote luncheon address the Alaska World Affairs Council. The event is co-sponsored by the World Trade Center Alaska and is open to the media.
We want to get the message out that exporters in Alaska can be more competitive, reach new markets, and increase their international sales with the help of Ex-Im Bank financing, said Renberg.
In recent years, Ex-Im Bank financing has helped Alaska companies such as Northern Keta Caviar, Inc., of Juneau, Alyeska Seafood, Inc., and Westward Seafood, Inc., of Dutch Harbor reach foreign markets with their seafood products.
Ex-Im Bank is an independent U.S. government agency that provides export credit insurance, working capital guarantees, loans and loan guarantees to help finance exports of U.S. goods and services around the world, particularly to developing markets. In Fiscal Year 1999, Ex-Im Bank supported nearly $17 billion in U.S. produced exports.