Readout from EXIM Chairman Kimberly Reed's Meeting with Egyptian Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouly

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Washington, D.C. - Today Kimberly A. Reed, president and chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), met with Egyptian Prime Minister H.E. Moustafa Madbouly and his delegation in Washington, D.C. EXIM Board Member Judith Pryor and other EXIM staff also participated. 

The participants discussed a broad range of topics which included the mutually shared objective to increase trade of goods and services between the United States and Egypt.  

Prime Minister Madbouly indicated that it was strategic for Egypt to have more cooperation with the United States through EXIM and they are keen to have EXIM back in Egypt. He noted a portfolio of projects that are part of Egypt's investment program, and Egypt's interest in attracting U.S. companies and EXIM to drive economic growth and jobs.  

Chairman Reed highlighted the value add of U.S. companies to Egypt's economic sectors in supporting projects. She underscored the importance of fostering cooperation between the United States and Egypt, including through President Trump's Prosper Africa initiative, of which Egypt is an important ally. 


EXIM President and Chairman Kimberly A. Reed meets with Egyptian Prime Minister H.E. Moustafa Madbouly


EXIM is an independent federal agency that promotes and supports American jobs by providing competitive and necessary export credit to overseas purchasers of U.S. goods and services. A robust EXIM can level the global playing field for U.S. exporters when they compete against foreign companies that receive support from their governments. EXIM also contributes to U.S. economic growth by helping to create and sustain hundreds of thousands of jobs in exporting businesses and their supply chains across the United States. In recent years, 90 percent of the total number of the agency's authorizations has directly supported small businesses.