Ex-Im Bank Extends Assistance Measures to U.S. Exporters in Federal Disaster Areas Affected by Hurricane Sandy

Media Contact Name/Phone
Jamie Radice (202-565-3200)

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) today announced extended provisions to assist exporters and financial institutions located in those portions of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast that have been declared federal disaster areas by the Federal Emergency Management Agency due to the impact of Hurricane Sandy.

"As the nation continues to respond and begins the long effort of recovery, the Ex-Im Bank stands at the ready to help," said Ex-Im Bank Chairman and President Fred P. Hochberg. "We will do all we can to help those exporters in affected areas—especially small businesses - get back on their feet and resume exporting. The last thing any business owner should have to worry about after a storm is the status of a loan or a claim-filing deadline."

The Bank is offering administrative relief measures to allow businesses and financial institutions that participate in Ex-Im Bank financing programs to return to their business concerns when appropriate and without penalty. "The Bank provided similar measures during Hurricane Katrina and believe these same steps will help those business and banks that have suffered economic disruptions during Sandy," added Hochberg.