BETA Technologies Receives Deal of the Year Award at Export-Import Bank of the United States 2024 Annual Conference

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Washington, DC – BETA Technologies was presented with the Export-Import Bank of the United States’ (EXIM) Deal of the Year Award at its 2024 Annual Conference. The award was presented today in recognition of their efforts to build a strong domestic workforce and change the future of aviation.

Based in Burlington, Vermont, BETA manufactures electric aircraft and charging infrastructure. The historic $170 million deal, which was the second authorized under EXIM’s flagship Make More in America initiative, financed a net-zero Final Assembly Production Facility and supported an estimated 400 clean energy jobs in Vermont.

The deal was announced during the 2023 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum and was included in a White House fact sheet on APEC investments.

“BETA Technologies is a prime example of our work to lead the charge in clean energy technological innovation,” said Chair Lewis. “EXIM is dedicated to supporting export-oriented, cutting-edge U.S. manufacturers and workers across the country and this deal further spotlights the Bank’s commitment to fulfilling our mission. I am extremely proud of the work we have done with BETA and look forward to seeing what future opportunities may come as we work to drive the global energy transition.”

“The financing EXIM provided with its Make More in America program was instrumental in enabling BETA to move into scaled production,” said Kyle Clark, Founder and CEO of Beta Technologies. “EXIM and the programs they offer are essential to supporting the growth of small and midsize businesses like BETA, stimulating economies across the world, and ensuring America maintains its positions as a global leader, both here in aerospace and elsewhere.”


The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) is the nation’s official export credit agency with the mission of supporting American jobs by facilitating U.S. exports. To advance American competitiveness and assist U.S. businesses as they compete for global sales, EXIM offers financing including export credit insuranceworking capital guaranteesloan guarantees, and direct loans. As an independent federal agency, EXIM contributes to U.S. economic growth by supporting tens of thousands of jobs in exporting businesses and their supply chains across the United States. Learn more at