New Opportunities in a Changing Region: Türkiye & Central Asia

When: Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 9:00am - 10:30am
Where: Virtual Event

U.S. exports to Türkiye in 2023 totaled over $14 billion, while Central Asian markets are growing rapidly, with U.S. exports to the region approaching $2 billion in 2023 after a 15% year-on-year increase. This webinar will cover new opportunities for companies throughout the region in 2025, including two Commerce Department trade missions scheduled for Türkiye, anticipated Certified Trade Missions to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and continued attention focused on developing the region's energy, transportation, digital, telecom, healthcare, and mining sectors. U.S. Commercial Service experts stationed overseas and at Commerce headquarters will provide a comprehensive briefing on market opportunities, upcoming engagements, and U.S. government resources that can help you succeed in the region.