Please note that the Bank's applications, as well as some other documents, contain certifications that relate to certain Bank Policies, such as the Bank's "Foreign Corrupt Practices and Other Anti-bribery Measures", "Know Your Customer and Due Diligence Standards", and the "Fraud and Corruption Prevention, Detection and Prosecution Policy". Other laws and regulations are also referenced in the certifications. The Bank's Policies can be found on the Bank's website here:

Form Name Sort Aescending Form Number Form Product Form Type
Spreading Guidelines for Financial Statements Inst 12-002 Guarantee, Insurance, Loan Guidance
Standard Certifications and Covenants for EXIM Applications EIB 18-CN Guarantee, Insurance, Loan, Working Capital Certification
Standard Repayment Terms Inst 12-016 Guarantee, Insurance, Loan Guidance
Supplemental Information Requirements for Foreign Dealer Support EIB 22-03 Guarantee, Loan
Trade Reference Form EIB 99-14 Guarantee, Insurance, Loan Form
Used Equipment Questionnaire EIB 22-08 Guarantee, Insurance, Loan, Working Capital Application
Venezuelan Promissory Note Fixed Rate Serial Note - All Credits Guide 12-014 Guarantee, Insurance Example
Venezuelan Promissory Note Floating Rate Global Note Guide 12-015 Guarantee, Insurance Example
Venezuelan Promissory Note Floating Rate Serial - All Credits Guide 12-013 Guarantee, Insurance Example
Working Capital Manual EBD W-15 Working Capital Guidance
Working Capital Transportation Freight Financing Program Borrower Agreement EBD W-22a Working Capital Example
Working Capital Transportation Freight Financing Program Master Guarantee Agreement EBD W-22 Working Capital Example